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Travel Tips for Foreigners

While the world is sleeping, or perhaps partying; here I am making my keyboard keys sound like trapping of the hurrying feet.

Most of the blogs here are facts that most Pinoys are aware of, but they are interested in them anyways. In the midst of looking for the next topic to write about, a wondering of how other people would view us becomes an interesting topic to me. Good thing there is Google to aid me – as always.

If I would give foreigners the chance to give tips on how to travel in our sand in the most convenient ways, how would they word it?

Well, after seeing several blogs scattering in the internet, here are among the three most common tips:

1. Learn the Weather and Climate

I never thought that the hotness that most of us are complaining for is what most of the tourist is looking after. I remember that when I talked with my British boss, he said that the best thing about visiting the Philippines is getting the tan that his friends are envy about. I wish Pinoys could appreciate this too.

Among the tips are the right clothes to wear, which is by the way, very appropriate to discuss. It is cool that we dress like Americans and we never care.

2. Everything is a call away

It is such a surprise that people outside our borders can see the good point of us, being the texting capital of the world. Well, no statistics has proven this, but we can say that in case we’re not number one, we’re a hair closer to the top. I used to hate this because this emphasizes that Pinoys are natural gossipers who are not afraid to waste time talking about non sense.

However, foreign tourist sees this as a good way of visiting us.

According to a blogger from Australia, “I do imply everybody, has received a cellphone - or two! - of their name. That’s why in case you’re misplaced; you needn’t worry about looking for the closest public telephone.”

How about that? Now, I can say that owning a cell phone could be less irritating.

3. Get Together is Best

They are referring to fiestas, which, according to them is the most pleasing experience any person could possibly have in here. Well, I agree to that a hundred and more percent. I believe that only in this country that people are opening their houses to strangers during festive. In some rural areas, food offered in Fiestas is open to anyone who is willing to eat regardless whether the owner of the house knows you or not.

After reading much of foreigners’ feedback, I was relieved. Indeed, we have so much to offer. We just have to look closer to things we already have.